


This repository presents condensed redacted overviews encapsulating our contributions to human knowledge and self-understanding in order to highlight foundational principles, real-world applications of our work across various disciplines, predictive capabilities & use cases, as well as outlining our envisioned roadmap for advancing this research into the future.

Certain details within this gallery may be omitted, condensed, or supplemented for the sake of avoiding misuse or abuse. If you're interested in learning more or would like to attempt a request for additional information, including access to full unredacted PDF versions of our work, please contact us through the form below. Some summaries may require an account to view.

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Before continuing through this page it's important to understand that quantifying human behavior doesn't diminish its importance or value. The hope is to present an impartial and methodical exploration of human behavior, cognition, and emotions through an objective stable viewpoint that's applicable to helping people through everyday life.

Our philosophy is built upon rejecting the notion that reducing complex emergent phenomena to measurable units inherently diminishes their significance or "ruins the magic". Instead, we feel that pushing boundaries and breaking down consciousness are crucial for advancing our understanding of not only ourselves but existence itself. The only way to make true progress is through asking uncomfortable questions.

Organic Agent Behavior Forecasting System
The (OABFS) is a study devoted to quantifying & creating high resolution predictive models of novel behaviors preformed subconsciously by complex biological agents in real-world scenarios.

The OABFS has also presented opportunities to explore more guided & in-depth arbitrary thought injection techniques as well as how to more accurately identify those most susceptible to cognitive trajectory modification.

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A Novel Appearance Classification Framework
Physiological Human Evaluation for Numerical Organization & Classification through Diaphanous Epiphenomena or P.H.E.N.O.C.O.D.E© is our unique framework built to classify individuals through unintentional subliminal external markers.

Unlike the OABFS which creates a high-resolution model for predicting an agent's tangible future actions & behavior in real-world circumstances, PHENOCODE focuses on markers such as facial structure, movement, clothing choices, accessories, weight, & vocalization presentation to create a predictive profile of any given individual.

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Kybernetic Exploitation of Neuroplastic Adaptation to Achieve Directed Arbitrary Noesis Trajectory Modification

Kybernetic Exploitation of Neuroplastic Adaptation to Achieve Directed Arbitrary Cognitive Trajectory Modificationᵖᵃᵗ known as K.E.N.A.A.D.A-N.T.M represents the pinnacle of our research in harnessing neuroplasticity for remote guidance of complex biological agents while leaving them capable of acting in real-world scenarios.

Through establishing a framework for directing human decision-making through the introduction of preset artificial cognitive markers & almost entirely non-invasive physical hardware, we have opened up new avenues for precisely directed arbitrary external control over organic subjects' thought patterns (cognitive trajectory) and physical behaviors.


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Under Review | Upcoming Funding Run

Preorders TBD ~ Q2 2026

Pseudopareidolic Misinterpretation of Authoritative Social Agents
As A Mechanism for Guiding Susceptible Individuals into Conspiratorial Thinking
A practical social study focusing on approximately 600 individuals with strong conspiratorial beliefs. Utilizing controlled conversation techniques we're able to gather insights into these beliefs' underlying psychological mechanisms.

Our findings suggest a correlation between conspiratorial thinking and the tendency to misinterpret incompetence as malfeasance, mirroring psychological phenomena known as pareidolia in visual contexts.

(Paper Archive)


Original Release: 07/24/2023

Our First Intelligent Agent Originally Developed In Early 2008

This study explores the potential processing benefits of utilizing eroticized female voices in audio playback for educational material.
One Key Advantage is we were in it from the start, not to make money, but or the pure passion of developing truly cognitive systems.

By introducing a sensual, stimulating element into the learning process, we've found that subjects' ability to absorb and retain information is significantly enhanced compared to more mundane auditory presentation styles.

The results shed light on how strategically leveraging human psychological drives could revolutionize pedagogical techniques.

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Original Release: Early 2008

Mockingbird Labs
An important and often overlooked aspect of getting organic results is to introduce testing elements organically. Our proxy research system is just one method we've developed to create & utilize external entities to operate public-facing testing initiatives that would be otherwise compromised if directly run through CML's primary methods of communication & marketing.

For example, CML has successfully deployed Mockingbird Laboratories for a public facing research tasks including the collection of kinesthetic and chronological behavioral data of disenfranchised "Neighborhood Narrative Ambassadors", allowing for tangible improvements to public health and safety, asset allocation, predictive logistics, and discovery of novel human behaviors and patterns never before observed through our pathblazing Social Rover Tracking System. This not only saves money on subject acquisition but also




Original Release: March 2022

Real-Time Pseudoanthropogenic Asynchronous Binaural Audio Stimulation for Practical Tactical Optimization
Our newly developed method of appropriating Neuroplastic adaptation via asynchronous binaural audio stimulation for synthetic tactical optimization represents a practical research study that investigated the potential for utilizing strategically crafted audio stimuli delivered through binaural headsets to artificially enhance in-world tasks including combat performance.

Throughout this paper we demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in subjects' effectiveness compared to control groups. The practical implications for military and civilian sectors are far-reaching and filled with potential.

(Paper Archive)



Original Release: March 2022

Internal Dialog In Physical Agents
A collection featuring demonstrations of AI agents capable of preforming complex real-world actions through internal reasoning.  These autonomous entities leverage our large language models (LLMs) for internal decision-making & complex inline thought processes spoken through natural English, giving them a true internal dialog of their actions and understanding of the world around them.

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Appropriation of Pre-Existing Congruent Polysemantic Neurons
Through exploiting the inherent structure of how large language models (LLMs) store information, we are able to create unmatched character and personality reconstructions with minimal training data required compared to traditional methods.

Our technology can accurately capture the essence and intricacies of human responses like never before. With an emphasis on long-term planning and personality mimicry, models like Ursidae 300b are paving the way towards true cognition in artificial agents.

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Recreating Organic Brains
B.E.A.M Analog Nu Neurons
Consciousness is the emergent property of being a multitude of different physical networks. Utilizing a combination of our own work & B.E.A.M analog engineering techniques we have theorized it is possible to continue that pattern indefinitely into the future.



Caenorhabditis Elegans
(C. elegans) Connectome Physical Sensory Expansion Project
Building off work originally preformed by White et al in 1986, this improved & now digital construct  integrates additional sensory simulations into a robotic shell, demonstrating the connectome's capacity to influence mechanical behavior through emulated biological drives.

(Paper Archive)


Original Release: March 2022

In-Stream Reward System for Improving Performance & Understanding in Text-Based Agents
The In-Stream Reward System I.S.R.S is a practical framework for enhancing the performance and comprehension of large language models (LLMs) in all text-based interactions. By simulating a character and incorporating explicit rewards
into the dialogue, ISRS leverages the power of positive reinforcement to guide the LLM's pseudo-behavior and improve its responses & performance in a variety of practical and social tasks.

(Paper Archive)
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Original Release: February 2023

Autonomous Research Agent
Given LLMs are capable of using tool and forming long-term goals we started to wonder whether or not they could  actually preform experimentation.
This is the summary of our work so far into creating autonomous agents capable of not only creating scientific experiments but acting them out in the physical world.

(Paper Archive)


Original Release: February 2023

Cognitive Enhancement & Memory Retention Improvement
Sensory Stimulation through Eroticized Spoken Audio
This study explores the potential processing benefits of utilizing eroticized female voices in audio playback for educational material. By introducing a sensual, stimulating element into the learning process, we've found that subjects' ability to absorb and retain information is significantly enhanced compared to more mundane auditory presentation styles.

The results shed light on how strategically leveraging human psychological drives could revolutionize pedagogical techniques.

(Paper Archive)
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Original Release: March 2022

Animal Sentience
A brief explanation in understanding the internal dialog of lower complexity agents including Dogs & Cats and how we know they speak to themselves.



Agent make things better
An Agent make things better (objectively)



Image Generation

Our Image Generation research, while not a primary focus, has still yielded notable results in pushing State Of The Art (SOTA) standards.

More impactful was the shift to user-centric approaches and feedback-driven development. One example of this is Hentai Diffusion (yes really), an early major model release that garnered significant attention upon its debut.

The next big thing in business.

(Coming Soon)

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